If you are new to the Merced area and are looking for some new places to eat in Merced, you might be interested in some of the places we chose below.
I have lived in Merced in the past and can tell you there are some hidden gems scattered around that you might miss if you don’t look well enough.
If you know of any places that you know should have a spot on our site, let us know through the chat!
Merced Food, Thai Cuisine Favorites
Thai Cuisine, Thai Food Merced
The first time I had Thai Cuisine there were a few items that sold me forever. Thai Cuisine’s famous Thai Tea is one of them, and second is their Pho. Both items made me a loyal customer and to this day, I’m about that Thai Cuisine life when I want Thai Food. Merced Thai Cuisine had to make the list 👌.

Located on G Street and 16th Street near Tony’s Cellular and the rest of Main Street, If you would like to see more about them check out there page here!

H & W, Classic American Food
If you are in the mood for a good burger and some even better fries, while in Merced California, might I suggest the classical building known as H & W? This establishment has been in Merced for quite the time and besides the burgers and fries, they got some killer sandwiches, milk-shakes, and root beer floats.

If you are looking for the H & W then make your way to 16th Street and you won’t miss it. There is usually a good amount of hungry people flocking there during lunch. For more on H & W in Merced see their page here.

Villa's, Authentic Mexican Food Merced
This place is for sure a hidden gem in Merced when you are on the look out for some authentic Mexican while in Merced. This place is a bit harder to find, but if you look in the back of the Merced Mall, you will find it on your way out through the back by Target. If you are craving Tacos in Merced, or even Burritos in Merced, Villas is the place to satiate your Mexican cravings.

If you are craving Mexican Food in Merced then head to Villas for your hunger. We are working on adding Villas to our Merced Food section. The address there is 900 Loughborough Dr, Merced, CA 95348 and the number is (209) 722-3447