Merced Auto Repair & Smog, Auto Services in Merced California
Home » Central Valley Services » Merced Services » Merced Auto Repair & Smog, Auto Services in Merced California
A shot of the Outside of Merced Auto Repair and Smog
If you are in need of any type of Auto Repair in Merced, or simply need a place to help tune up your car, Merced Automotive is an excellent place with a solid reputation for good services. Maintaining over a 4-star average on google and 3 stars on Yelp(“Though there is only 2 reviews there so make sure to leave a Yelp review if you found the service as helpful as we did), make sure to bring your auto repair issues to them for quick and reliable work. Finding good auto mechanics can be cumbersome and can take much time, avoid that and head on over to Merced Auto Repair & Smog for your auto service!
Merced Auto Repair & Smog Location: 13 W 13th St, Merced, CA 95341
Phone Number: (209)383-3121
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