Now that winter is coming, you might be wondering about a good place to find some Pho in Merced California. If you are looking for some great thai food, Merced has you covered. Thai Cuisine in Merced has been serving me properly since I first learned about it over a decade ago.
Thai Food Merced, Thai Cuisine
Since I tried Thai Cuisine for the first time I have become a regular. When looking for Pho in Merced, I always head to Thai Cuisine on an empty stomach. I know that their Pho soup will be take me some time, and will fill my hunger quickly and efficiently.
Once you are making your order, make sure to add some Spring Rolls for the wait, and you can never ever forget a Thai Tea.
Great Merced Thai Places!
If you are searching for great Merced Thai places, add Thai Cuisine to your list, and if you don’t believe me, believe the 100+ Yelp reviews to prove it, ranking at over 4 Stars, and in my personal opinion, Thai Cuisine should get 5 stars! The Pho comes with your choice of seafood, or if you are like me, beef and meatballs do the job. I always add about a quarter to a half a bottle of sriracha (not exaggerating) and though I go through a lot of napkins my short time there, it is truly worth it!

Located on G Street and 16th Street near Tony’s Cellular and the rest of Main Street, If you would like to see more about them check out there page here!